Monday, 2 February 2015

2nd January 2015 more medical bollockings

Due to the early night last night I was feeling much better so decided to go down to the car park to try and clean some of the day old sick from the side of the truck but one of the competitors had had a head gasket failure so I thought as none of the doctors or sweeps were awake I'd take off the head instead, the moment the head was off I noticed one of the docs marching towards me in a very quick step, Dr Ollie then proceeded to tear me a new arsehole for over doing it so the head gasket had to wait until the other mechanics could take over, with this done we headed off only to immediately come across a rockney with a wheel missing, this was the end for them and they headed off back to Singapore for the journey home, we then sorted out their paperwork and carried on, we did a small stint of marshalling whilst on our way up through Malaysia.

Here's Owen drying off his towel he nicked from Raffles!

Once at the hotel we tended to the usual evening work but it ended with me having to go about 6 km to a local garage to fix a clutch on the Chavelle and try and sort out a ford coupe with a bent stub axle, it's now nearly 1 am and I'm off to bed, here's a couple of piccies of today.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you are soon well enough to know what month it is, Jamie!
